Cervelo Test Team's Carlos Sastre carrying bottles.
We often wonder if pro cyclists ‘notice’ the kits, logos, components and bike frames of other teams while they’re riding in the pack. There is no shortage of long slow stages with miles to cover and time to while away. As cyclists - pro, enthusiasts or recreational - we spend a significant amount of time staring at the backs of the rider in front of us.

One moment of false concentration can spell disaster if the rider in front of you makes a quick move or over-correction in effort to avoid unforeseen road hazards. While the fi'zi:k back can me mezmorizing and hypnotizing, the extended trance can also lead to unintentionally crossed wheels with little time to undue the damage (as was the case yesterday when Levi crossed wheels w/ Lance and in effort to avoid taking him down, took down nearly the entire Garmin-Slipstream squad).

So…do they notice, we wondered - the fi’zi:k logos on the back of other teams?
Curtis Gunn from the Fly V Australia pb Successful Living team said, “I definitely notice what’s on the backs of other riders because that’s how I pick out where my guys are or where other riders and teams are positioned. That’s how I can identify them quickly.” He continued, “I don’t notice that much when I’m out on a group ride but I definitely notice when I’m in the pack – in a race situation.”
“That’s quite a billboard you’ve got there on the Columbia - Highroad Team,” Team OUCH’s Tim Johnson remarked. “Much bigger than ours, eh?”

“Is there anyone out there not riding your saddles?” Team OUCH’s Mike Tamayo asked. (When you’re staring at the back of rider’s butts all day, five teams with fi’zi:k logos equals 40 cyclists….and that’s a whole lot of bum look at).
And from the peloton during Stage 4 when the Team OUCH car pulled up next to Team BMC Manager Gavin Chilcott’s team car for a chat, “You’ve got the biggest logo in the caravan!”
“What do you mean? The one on Team Columbia - High Road?” we asked?

“Uh…no,” he said, “That 20 foot fi’zi:k logo spread across your team bus!”

Oh….that one.
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